About the NL-ix Looking Glass

The Looking Glass runs OpenBGPD as backend. The front-end is based off of the open source software written by Teun Vink, which can be seen here on GitHub. The code was inspired on bird-lg by Mehdi Abaakouk.

Known BGP Communities

This Looking Glass uses a collection of known BGP communities to provide additional information on routes received. A list of ASNs for which communities are known can be found here.

New community descriptions and updates can be added sending a pull request on the Github repostory, which also provides information on the file format. For any questions, feel free to contact the ring-admins@nlnog.net.

Peering with the Looking Glass

Peering with this Looking Glass is optional for ring users. If you want to peer with NLNOG Looking Glass, send us your details or create a pull-request, and configure a session with the following information:

    AS: 199036
    IPv4: (lg02.infra.ring.nlnog.net)
    IPv6: 2001:7b8:62b:1:0:d4ff:fe72:7848 (lg02.infra.ring.nlnog.net)
    Type: eBGP Multi-Hop
    Policy: import NONE from AS199036, export ANY
Our looking glass supports 'add-path', so if supported on your side, feel free to configure it.


Here's a very incomplete list of some of the changes to this looking glass:

    2023-03-16  - add support for OTC (RFC9234) attributes

    2023-02-03  - add support for ASPA validation states

    2022-12-30  - fix for confederations in maps
                - allow selections of peers to query
                - added colored nodes to maps
                - allow download of dot source for maps
                - show if ASNs have NLNOG RING nodes

    2022-11-22  - add the possibility to store preferences in cookies
                - add AS numbers on the BGP peer summary page
                - add a favicon!

    2022-11-13  - add a 'persistent link' option so results can be stored
                - add a 'copy to clipboard' option on the plain text output page
                - sort on prefixlen and then peer names in the output
                - link the small map to the full size map
                - nicer plain text output

    2022-09-21  - add support for map output

    2022-09-19  - first public release